Annual Travel Insurance

We do single trip insurance and annual insurance. Single trip insurance only for short trip travel, it is quote by days. If you are a frequent traveller, it is better to buy an annual travel insurance. For annual travel insurance, it also have no claim bonus, ie if you buy the first year with no claims occur, you can have discount on the second year. The discount will be continue until claim occurs. Domestic helper insurance is designed for the people who need a helper at some concern and

must have an insurance under employee’s compensation ordinance. It includes clinical expenses for maximum $500 each month.

If you travel outside of Hong Kong regularly, you can’t resist the convenience of year-round travel insurance. QBE Hong Kong’s Annual Travel Insurance will provide you with a comprehensive cover as well as a top-up option to serve your diversce traveling needs .

Domestic helper insurance

Is designed for the people who need a helper at some concern and must have an insurance under employee’s compensation ordinance. It includes clinical expenses for maximum $500 each month.

Under Hong Kong law, the obligation of employers of domestic helpers goes beyond just paying
their salaries. Employers are also legally required to ensure that their domestic helpers are fully
covered work against injury and illness. QBE Hong Kong’s Domestic Helper Pro tector provides
such coverage with a Comprehensive insurance package that protects your domestic helper as
well as you as an employer. It is designed also to protect you against the medical expenses of
your domestic helper for doctor visits, dentist and even hospital stays.

Key features of Domestic Helper Protector are:

  • Comprehensive cover from employer’s liability, domestic helper’s medical expenses to
    employer’s financial loss
  • Protections also for your domestic helpers against rest days and third-party liability
  • Extra relief of employer’s financial burden with optional cover for domestic helper’s cancer and
    heart diseases

One-way travel insurance

Traveling should be full of fun and enjoyment. However, there might be a range of evens which coud ruin your trip, including sickness, accident or flight delay.

Key Benefits:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Hospital or Quarantine Allowance
  • 24-Hours Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services
  • Personal Accident
  • Compassionate Cash
  • Trip Cancellation
  •  and more…

Family Plus Protection Package

Some insurers treat fixtures and fittings regardless installed by the developers or homeowners as Building item and therefore, it is better to place the cover for Builidng and Contents to one insurer to avoid any gap.